Interreg HY4RES Easy Hydro IG Energy

Description of Wind Energy Production Calculations

1. Recalculating Wind Speed for Hub Height

Wind speed is adjusted from the measured height (usually 10m or 80m) to the hub height of the turbine using the formula:

vh = vr * (h / hr)α


Terrain Roughness Coefficient (α):

2. Air Density

Air density (ρ) is essential for calculating wind energy and is influenced by:

Air density is calculated using the equation:

ρ = P / (Rd * T) * (1 - 0.378 * RH)

3. Wind Power

The power available in the wind is calculated by:

Pwind = 0.5 * ρ * A * v3


4. Turbine Power

The power converted by the turbine is:

Pturbine = Cp * Pwind


5. Energy Production

The energy generated per hour is:

E = Pturbine * t


6. Application Functionalities

The application provides the following features:

Numerical Example

